I have a Ph.D. in Communication Sciences («UGent» - University of Ghent) and in Theory and Social Research («Sapienza» - University of Rome). My joint-PhD thesis was about the connection between the online and the offline worlds in our everyday life.
I am interested in the social effects of new media - social media studies - which I preferably study by a qualitative approach. I did research about new media as well as non-profit and genre studies.
Before the Ph.D. course, I graduated in Communication Sciences (Bachelor Degree) and Sociology (BA Honours), and I studied business communication (P.R. online).
I have recently specialized as support teacher for high school students with Specific Learning Disorders and disabilities. This helped me to increase the efficiency of my classes, developing a multi-channel approach to teaching.
These are my publications:
- Book chapters
Agostini, S., Gianturco, G. & Mechant, P. (2022). Investigating Exhaust Data in Virtual Communities. In: Comunello, F., Martire, F., Sabetta, L. (eds) What People Leave Behind. Frontiers in Sociology and Social Research, vol 7. Springer, Cham.
DOI: https:/doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-11756-5_7
Agostini, S. & Porro, E. (2015), "Contesti e persone. La questione di genere nell’università italiana" ("Contexts and persons. The gender issue in the Italian university"), in Fontana, R., "Le donne nell'accademia italiana. Identità, potere e carrier" ("Women in the Italian academy: work, identity, power and career").
- Articles
Agostini, S., & Barón, L. F. (2022). ICT and Migration in Latin American Pacific. Paths and trajectories of Pacific Colombian migrants. Perspectivas de la Comunicación-ISSN 0718-4867, 15(2), 99-138.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56754/0718-4867.1502.099
Agostini, S. & Mechant, P. (2019). Towards a Definition of Virtual Community. Signo Y Pensamiento, 38(74).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.11144/Javeriana.syp38-74.tdvc
Agostini, S. & Mechant, P. (2018). The role of Virtual Communities in Offline Collaboration: Four Case Studies, Comunidades virtuales y colaboración offline: cuatro casos de estudio. Comunicación, 39 July-December (2018), pp. 15-32.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18566/comunica.n39.a02
Agostini, S. & Mechant, P. (2015). "Virtual Communities and Feelings of Influence: four case studies", in Proceedings of Eighteenth TheIIER International Conference, Rome, Italy, 28th-29th March 2015, ISBN: 978-93-82702-86-3.
Agostini, S. & Mechant, P. (2015), Virtual Communities and Feelings of Influence: four case studies. International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC), ISSN: 2320-2084, Volume-3, Issue-5, May-2015
Agostini, S. & Mechant, P. (2015), "Virtual Communities and Feelings of Influence: four case studies", in International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS), ISSN: 2320-2084, Volume-3, Issue-5, May-2015.
- Conferences
Stefano Agostini, Giovanna Gianturco (Sapienza-University of Rome, Italy) and Peter Mechant (Ghent University, Belgium): Investigating Exhaust Data in Virtual Communities at WPLB What People Leave Behind: Marks, Traces, Footprints and their Significance for Social Sciences, "Sapienza" - University of Rome, Rome, June 15-16, 2021
- Presentations
2018 - Virtual Community Informatics: A Review at EFCI (the European Forum On Collective Intelligence)
2012 - "EU, citizenship and virtual communities: is it possible to have a European public sphere?" at EPS: from critical thinking to responsible action Jean Monnet Conference - Committee of the Regions, Rooms JDE 51, 52, 53, - Brussels - February 2, 2012 - Jointly organized by ECREA & SMIT-VUB.
- Research
2013 - “Le donne nell’accademia italiana: lavoro intellettuale, dinamiche identitarie e percorsi culturali nella ricerca sociale” (“Women and the italian academy: intellectual work, identity dynamics and cultural pathways in social research”); research regarding the condition of women workers in the italian academic context, investigated by qualitative approach. Preface.
2012 - “Cinquant’anni di Sociologia e Comunicazione a Roma. La storia di una istituzione accademica attraverso le idee, le ricerche e gli uomini” (“50 Years Of Sociology and Communication in Rome. The history of an academic institution through ideas, reserach and persons”); research regarding the development of sociological studies in the last fifty years in Italy, investigated by qualitative and quantitative approaches.
2010 - “Attualità e futuro dei giovani: tra aspettative formative e realizzazione professionale nel comprensorio civitavecchiese” (“Present and future of the youth: between training expectations and professional realization in the Civitavecchia district”); research focused on Civitavecchia (an italian town), in particular on the relationship between university education and job placement, investigated by methodological triangulation (survey, qualitative interviews and focus groups). More specifically, the creation of the whole matrix, the data input and the elaboration of results by SPSS was done. Link; link.
2010 - “Tra il dire e il fare. Comunicazione sociale, reti e cultura della società" (“Social Communication, Networks And Culture Of Solidarity”); research on volunteering, more specifically regarding its communication and social networks related to its development, investigated by methodological triangulation (survey, qualitative interviews and focus groups).
- Training
2020 - Research Technology in Action: How to reach new and unique conclusions through digital research.